Action Team Leaders (ATLs) are dentists appointed by the state constituent society to maintain a political presence in their congressional district by participating in legislative and political activities.
The most effective advocacy takes place at home, not in Washington, and our member dentists play a vital role in ADA’s advocacy efforts. Surveys of lawmakers suggest that constituent meetings and contacts have the highest amount of influence over their decision making process. The personal relationship that you already have, or that we will help you build with your member of Congress, will also ultimately affect the future of oral health care in this country.
Below are some resources designed to help ATLs and team members.
- Action Team Leader Toolkit (PDF)
- Home Fundraiser Toolkit (PDF)
- ATL Checklist (PDF)
If you would like to be part of the ADA’s Legislative Action Team, please contact Peter Aiello at or 202.789.5168.