
History of Dentistry Selected Bibliography

Asbell, Milton B. Dentistry, a Historical Perspective, being a historical account of the history of dentistry from ancient times, with emphasis upon the United States from the colonial to the present period. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Dorrence & Co., 1988.

Black, Carl Ellsworth and Bessie McLaughlin Black. From Pioneer to Scientist, the life story of Greene Vardiman Black, “Father of Modern Dentistry” and his son Arthur Davenport Black, late Dean of Northwestern University Dental School. St. Paul: Bruce Pub. 1940.

Bremner, M. D. K. The Story of Dentistry From the Dawn of Civilization to the Present...with Special Emphasis of the American Scene. Revised 3rd edition. Brooklyn, New York: Dental Items Publishing Co., Inc. 1954.

Campbell, J. Menzies. Dentistry Then and Now. Revised and enlarged 3rd ed. of From a Trade to a Profession. Privately printed, 1981.

Glenner, Richard A., Audrey B. Davis and Stanley B. Burns. The American Dentist, a pictorial history with a presentation of early dental photography in America. Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Pub., 1990.

Glenner, Richard A. The Dental Office, a Pictorial History. Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Pub., 1984.

Glenner, Richard A. How It Evolved, Dentistry’s Pursuit For Excellence. Rev. June, 1998.

Hoffmann-Axthelm, Walter. History of Dentistry. Chicago: Quintessence Pub., 1981.

Lufkin, Arthur Ward. A History of Dentistry. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1948.

Ring, Malvin E. Dentistry: An Illustrated History. New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1985.

Wynbrandt, James. The Excruciating History of Dentistry: Toothsome Tales & Oral Oddities from Babylon to Braces. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.