Blue Light Hazard. Blue-light retinal injury takes place primarily from exposure in the wavelength range between 380 to 550 nm, with the sensitivity of the retina peaking at approximately 440 nm.27, 28 Since the peak absorption for CQ is from about 455 to 481 nm, dental curing units are optimized to perform in the wavelength range that blue-light retinal injury takes place, with many having peak wavelengths near the retina’s sensitivity peak of 440 nm.10 It has been shown that under certain clinically relevant conditions, the light emitted from dental curing units may exceed dose limit values for photochemical retinal exposure over an 8-hour workday with an exposure duration of just under 3 hours, as set in international radiation protection guidelines.27-29
Blue-light filtering eyewear, curing unit tip-mounted shields, and handheld paddles are all options for eye protection while using curing lights.18, 30 Using quality eye protection in good condition that filters blue light at the same wavelengths as the LCU being used is recommended for all procedures using a light curing unit.16, 31
However, there is evidence that there are commercially available protective filtering devices that allow blue light transmission at significant levels. For example, research performed at the 福利姬视频laboratory found that 9 of 22 protective filtering devices allowed transmission of blue light from dental curing units at levels ranging from above 4% to above 15%, when tested under clinically relevant conditions.30 In a similar study performed at the Nordic Institute of Dental Materials, only 9 of 18 protective filtering devices were shown to demonstrate adequate filtering capacity according to international radiation protection guidelines.32
Currently, there is no standard that specifically sets test methods, requirements, and labeling for protective filtering devices intended for protection against retinal blue light exposure from dental curing units. There is a blue-light filtering device standard working draft being developed in a subcommittee of ISO Technical Committee 106 Dentistry. In the meantime, there is an existing ISO standard for eyewear used for protection against intense light sources in cosmetic and medical settings.33 This standard specifies transmittance requirements for protective filtering devices based on a “blue light” B-classification scheme of B-1 to B-6 (most to least blue light transmittance) with corresponding labeling instructions. Also, if clinicians are concerned that their blue-light filtering device is not effectively blocking blue light, there is a simple, practical experiment that could be done to test the filtering device’s efficacy. In a dark room, take the light-cured polymer-based restorative material and do the following steps: distribute a clinically relevant increment of the material (about 6 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick) on a pad; place the protective filtering device just above the material; place the curing unit just above the protective filtering device and cure for about 20 seconds. After performing this procedure, if the polymer-based restorative material shows signs of curing, then the protective filtering device is not adequately blocking transmission of blue light.30
Heat and Temperature Concerns. Temperature rise during the curing process raises concern for the risk of heat-induced pulpal injury. While irradiance and exposure time are important factors in proper curing, they also need to be considered with respect to the risk of thermal injury to pulpal and soft tissues. Special consideration should be taken when curing deep cavities, where there is less dentin to dissipate the total energy deposited on the dentin from the light source, increasing the concern of pulpal tissue injury.3, 34
In an in-vitro experiment testing 7 LED LCUs and 1 QTH LCU, 福利姬视频researchers found that the temperature rise of a thermocouple (embedded 1 mm into a 3-mm increment of composite) ranged from 9.8 to 12.9 ºC (49-55 ºF), when curing for 20 seconds with the curing unit tip centered 2 mm above the composite surface.9 It is not clear from the literature above what specific temperature threshold pulpal injury may occur, but tooth temperatures are elevated from curing resin polymers.35-37 Directing a stream of air over the tooth during the curing process, and/or waiting several seconds between curing cycles, can help prevent overheating the tooth.20 (Note: part of the heat rise is due to the exothermic reaction that accompanies resin polymerization)
Interference with Medical Devices. There has been some concern regarding the potential for interference between various electrical devices used in dentistry and pacemakers and/or defibrillators (for more information, see Oral Health Topic Cardiac Implantable Devices and Electronic Dental Instruments). A 2015 study found, however, that these devices (including LCUs) do not interfere with pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators, and that there is no clinical impact on the safety of patients who have these devices.38
Infection Control. Just as with any other instrumentation that comes into contact with bodily fluids, parts of the LCUs must be disinfected to control for infection and cross-contamination. The 福利姬视频recommends that dentists follow the 2003 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings39 and the 2016 .40
LED lights with autoclavable light guides are the gold standard in terms of infection control but can be easily damaged or contaminated with an accumulation of tip surface scale.16 As mentioned earlier, this can be managed with proper upkeep and polishing. Many modern LED curing units do not use light guides, but instead have the LED chips mounted directly in the light-emitting tip of the curing unit, making autoclaving of the unit unfeasible. Using barriers that cover either the tip or the entire curing light is another way to help prevent contamination. However, the use of infection-control barriers reportedly may reduce irradiance values delivered from the curing unit by as much as 40%.31 The light output of the curing unit, both with and without infection control barriers, can be compared using a dental radiometer, and the curing time can be appropriately adjusted based on the percentage decrease in output. Some commercial disinfectant sprays can cause damage to the equipment, which can be mitigated by using only recommended surface disinfectants for the recommended time. ANSI/福利姬视频and ISO standards recommend that curing unit manufacturers provide appropriate cleaning and disinfection methods in the instructions for use, which should be followed between each patient.3
Reporting Adverse Events. If an adverse event should occur (e.g., thermal injury) when using a dental curing light, consider reporting it to the FDA through , the FDA’s gateway for clinically important safety information, safety alerts and product recalls.41 An 福利姬视频Professional Product Review (PPR) article on “The FDA, Medical Recalls and Reporting Adverse Events” provides a summary of the FDA’s MedWatch Program, including “What to Report to FDA MedWatch”, “Voluntary Medical Device Reporting”, and “Who Recalls Medical Devices?”42