
Forensic Dental Data Set

ANSI/福利姬视频Standard No. 1058 Executive Summary

What is ANSI/福利姬视频Standard No. 1058 about?

ANSI/福利姬视频Standard No. 1058 provides a standardized terminology for the description of forensic dental data which is used to convey information to aid in the identification of human remains or a living individuals who are unable to identify themselves.

What are the issues covered in this standard?

This standard contains definitions for the most common terms and descriptors used by the forensic odontology community to transmit information to aid in the identification of human remains or individuals who are unable to identify themselves. Standardized terminology enhances accurate communication.

Who should read this standard?

This standard is relevant to practicing dentist, forensic odontologists, forensic pathologists, medical examiners, coroners, law enforcement personnel, dental school personnel, emergency planners and software developers who are called upon to utilize dental data in the identification process.

Why should dentists be familiar with this information?

Dentists often play a key role in identifying unknown individuals and human remains.. Practitioners may be called upon by law enforcement, medical examiners, and coroners to supply dental records. Understanding what information may be required and sending in using standardized terminology is essential to properly assist these agencies in the forensic odontological identification process and to ultimately reunite families with their loved ones.

What other standards might be of interest to dentists?

The forensic odontological identification process is described in ANSI/福利姬视频Technical Report No. 1088, Human Identification by Comparative Dental Analysis.