
U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

Providing the U.S. voice in global dental standards developed through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

What is the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 106 on Dentistry?

To explain the U.S. TAG, we first have to explain the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO is an international, non-governmental organization that develops global standards through a consensus-based process on a vast array of products and processes. ISO is organized into technical committees based on the subject area and its members are the single most representative standardization body from each participating country. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the U.S. member to ISO.

ISO Technical Committee (TC) 106 develops international standards for dentistry. ANSI has designated the 福利姬视频as administrator of the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 106 to develop the U.S. position on all international dental standards. Over 200 volunteers from the profession, industry, academia, and government participate in the U.S TAG which ensures that U.S. interests are considered in the development of international dental standards. All interested stakeholders are welcome and encouraged to participate in the U.S. TAG.

The U.S. TAG is composed of the following nine Sub-TAGs which are responsible for a particular category of international dental standards:

  • Sub-TAG 1: Orthodontic & Restorative Materials
  • Sub-TAG 2: Prosthodontic Materials
  • Sub-TAG 3: Dental Terminology
  • Sub-TAG 4: Dental Instruments
  • Sub-TAG 6: Dental Equipment
  • Sub-TAG 7: Oral Care Products
  • Sub-TAG 8: Dental Implants
  • Sub-TAG 9: Dental CAD/CAM Systems
  • Sub-TAG 13: Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry

Questions? Contact standards@ada.org or call 312.440.2506

Membership information

Membership on Sub-TAGs are open to all U.S. citizens who indicate that they are directly and materially affected by the activity of the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 106. Membership is divided into the following interest categories:

  • Producer: A member who represents an organization that produces or sells materials, products, systems or services covered in the scope of the document(s) developed within the committee shall be classified as a producer. NOTE: A technical reimbursement fee is assessed to producer members.
  • Consumer: A member, or a member who represents an organization, that in the context of his/her profession purchases or uses materials, products, systems or services covered in the scope of the document(s) developed within the committee shall be classified as a consumer provided that the member could not also be classified as a producer.
  • General Interest: A member who does not fit into any of the preceding categories, for example: government agency representatives, representative of consumer groups or research experts.

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