As a prescriber of painkilling medications, you have a key role to play in preventing their diversion, misuse and abuse. Narcotic analgesics, such as hydrocodone and oxycodone, have become a leading source of drug abuse among teens and young adults. Educating this age group, as well as all of your patients, on the powerful addictive qualities of these and other medications should be routine when you hand patients their prescriptions.
Urge patients to visit to learn more about keeping prescription drugs from becoming a source of harm.
Watch archived recordings of the ADA’s opioid prescribing webinar series or attend the ADA’s State Dentist Well-Being Program Conference which provides continuing education on opioid prescribing and abuse prevention. Both will help refresh your knowledge about opioid prescribing in the context of modern day drug-seeking behavior.
The FAQs below can help answer general questions pertaining to prescribing opioids and how to help your patients and peers who may be at risk for substance abuse and/or be prone to addiction.