
Restorative Treatments for Caries Lesions Clinical Practice Guideline (2023)

This clinical practice guideline will recommend which direct restorative materials and caries removal approaches to use for primary and permanent teeth.

The 福利姬视频Science & Research Institute, working with an expert panel convened by the 福利姬视频Council on Scientific Affairs, has developed a clinical practice guideline on restorative treatments for caries lesions in primary and permanent teeth. This guideline was informed by a systematic review of the best available scientific evidence considered by the clinical and translation research team at the ADASRI.

Chairside Guides

Chairside guide for primary teeth PDF
Recommendations for carious tissue removal and direct restorative materials in primary teeth
Chairside guide for permanent teeth PDF
Recommendations for carious tissue removal and direct restorative materials in permanent teeth

Evidence-Based Resources

Use the clinician and patient tabs below to access the full guideline, chairside guides summarizing the guideline's recommendations for primary and permanent teeth, "For the Patient" pages that explain tooth decay and options for treating it to patients, and much more.
For Clinicians
For Patients

For the Patient:

MouthHealthy pages: